Semantic memory

Basic ideas were presented by Allan M. Collins; M.R. Quillian (1969). “Retrieval time from semantic memory”

  • Semantic memory is knowledge of facts
  • Each node has specific meaning
  • SNs employ the local representation of concepts
  • A node’s activity may spread along links to activate other nodes (spreading activation)
  • Spreading activation may lose strength as it travels outward from the source
  • Distance between 2 nodes (concepts) is related to their relatedness

J.Sowa “Semantic networks”

Conceptual graphs.
Conceptual graphs (CGs) are a system of logic based on the existential graphs of Charles Sanders Peirce and the semantic networks of artificial intelligence.

Lendaris, G.G. (1992), “A Neural-Network Approach to Implementing Conceptual Graphs,” (invited) Chapter 8 in Conceptual Structures, Nagle, et al, Editors, Ellis Horwood

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  • Александр Панченко

    Allan M. Collins; M.R. Quillian (1969). “Retrieval time from semantic memory”

    A nice article. As far as I know this famous paper was first to propose the concept of the semantic network.