Еще одна полезная статья про подготовку публикаций

Еще одна интересная статья про технику написания научных публикаций: «Rules of thumb for writing research articles» (смотри также предыдущую запись. ).

Краткое содержание:

The paper provides ‘rules of thumb’ for writing research articles (RA) and
getting them published. These were discussed during the «Scientific writing
course» organized for ITC PhD students by Cressie Communication Services.
Important aspects of macro and sub-structure of a paper were selected
through group discussions. The substructure and functions of different
sections of RAs are described. Results of previous investigations and
interviews among journal editors were used to summarize what makes a good
RA. It was concluded that clear, logical, coherent, focused, good argument and
well-structured writing gets the paper published and read. Some important
rules of the thumb selected were: “Adjust your writing to the audience and
purpose”, “Avoid redundancy and unnecessary explanations” and “Write like
you speak and then revise”.

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